Let your employees bring their Christmas presents to work

The holiday season may be over. But that doesn't mean your employees have to leave the tablets and smartphones they received as gifts at home. With an effective strategy, you can securely deliver business applications and data to workers' privately owned devices - increasing productivity and boosting employee satisfaction. So why not make 2013 a BYOD year?


Gartner report: Best Practices for Supporting 'Bring Your Own' Mobile Devices A new approach to privately owned devices in the workplace requires a new approach to support. Gartner has compiled a report highlighting best practices for hassle-free adoption of a BYOD strategy. 

The Recommendations of this report were:

  • Re-engineer support processes and the support organization to address the challenges and demands of BYO programs; consider some of the support tactics discussed here to address the new challenges of BYO programs.
  • Define a contingency plan to rapidly adapt the BYO program and procedures in the event of unexpected legal or compliance demands, or commercial pressure resulting from external events, such as a high-profile data loss situation.
  • Multinational organizations must customize their BYO support programs for each country, because issues such as privacy, funding, taxation, insurance, network service contracts and working practices vary widely.

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